marți, 11 octombrie 2011

How to keep a marriage alive?

 Marriage ....sweet marriage!How many of you thought the first years of marriage with nostalgia wanting to give back the time to enjoy those moments?I guess many of you...but marriage is not wonderfull just in first years ,how all people think .
Marriage is special and sometimes difficult to maintain but not imposibel.I am 15 years of marriage,two wonderful children and a wonderful husband.Can think right now...yes and you are lucky...not everyone is as,but is not so.We all know that in life the couple problems occur, but with understanding and communication can solve everything.
A perfect marriage that is to say after 10-15 years when the couple is already on the same road.
Today many young couples fall apart in the first years of marriage because they fail to overcome difficult moments of life?
But why people?Do not think a marriage is not for 1,3 or 5 years is for life if you really want to be caught intro marriage.
We all make vows of love that they forget the time especially in difficult times and many give up forgetting pleasant moments spent in marriage.Love is the core of marriage managed to make us better but sometimes we are selfish ,wanting passion of the early years to can have over 10 years too.Is imposibel to can desire this.
Passion is  for a while but after years turns into something much more powerfull.Many of you get bored of a marriage and think to looking for something new and make mistakes realizing only after losing loved.
But what is marriage without problems?Is like a food without salt, is like a sky without moon and stars,like a flowers without petals, like a tree without leaves.A marriage maintain when we help each other, when we know how to respect our pair, when we feel bad and get a smile from the one you love ,when u are there for  him (or her) when need you.Is a wonderfull feeling to know how much you are loved and how much love u can give.
Try to enjoy marriage because is like a long trip to places unknown and mysterious adventure but in end with a great experience of life.Are not eternal but we have enough time to enjoy life.Live every day like is the last.
 Hope all of you have a good marriage ,if not try to have it.
                                                        write by MaryG.

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